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episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Takeru's diversionary tactics succeeded in cutting a path through the Fort Class.
Please, Take Care of the Susano-O
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
The plan to use the 2nd Battleship Division works, and Takeru is able to go. Takeru leaves it up to Michiru to save the Susano-O.
Large-scale Reinforcements Appear
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Lt. Kazama breaks the news. At least a division's worth of BETA is en-route.
Escape Route Unusable
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
A BETA swarm containing multiple Laser and Fort class has appeared near Mano Bay. They'll need a new escape route.
Sorry, I'll Be Going First
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Swarmed by BETAs, there was no hope of survival. Instead of being eaten and dying in pain, they are determined to take as many of their enemies with them as possible.
Conquering Oneself
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Meiya and Ayamine speak. They say that Takeru is now fighting to overcome himself. That even before, he did not run away, but fought and came back alive.
Highest Priority Mission
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Yuuko instructs him to retrieve the 00 unit and leave the battle area. Takeru is concerned about what she wants to do with the Susano-O.
Temporary Retreat
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
The charged particle cannon of the Susano-O is about to be fired. A-01 leaves the damage area.
Not Giving Up
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Takeru forgets that remote control is impossible, and suggests using automatic control to get the Susano-O back to base. Yuuko thinks of having Cpt. Isumi enter the command directly.
Route Review 2
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Shirogane had just enough fuel to get the original pickup point. But a different route means either he runs out of fuel, or the fleet is destroyed in the Tsunami.
We Have To Fight
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
We can't afford to be surprised by every single BETA action. Succeeding in this mission is the only way to thank those who have gone before us. We must defend this place to the death.
Re-entry Shell Debris Warning
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
All units participating in the operation are notified of the impending arrival of the Orbital Divers. If the Laser Class intercept them, the forces below may be hit by flaming wreckage falling from the sky.