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Off You Go
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Kasumi has been watching Sumika's mind for a long time. She can't help but worry about her safety in the upcoming battle...
How To Dispose of the Ultimate Weapon
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
They cannot allow BETA, which may be an advanced intelligent life form, to capture the Susano-O, and they have no choice but to invoke Plan G, which is to blow it up and dispose of it.
Effects Observed
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
The above-ground structure of the Hive had collapsed to the point that most of it was gone forever. Ozawa says that Yuuko's name will go down in history.
Start To Deal With the Situation
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
As Ozawa watches in shock, Yuuko orders her operator to run a system check on the Susano-O.
Advancing and Ready to Open Fire
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
The Valkyries continue to defend the starting point of the Susano-O's assault. Its huge figure looms over them.
Same Thing
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Admiral Ozawa says that when the new OS is distributed to the entire army, fewer soldiers will lose their lives. That's what the creator of the OS also said.
Route Review 1
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Shirogane can't be sent back in the direction of the mainland. The Susano-O's self-destruction will create tsunamis that can destroy a fleet.
Caught Unawares
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Takeru continues to distract the BETA. But a slight opening in his defenses is more than enough to allow a fatal blow…
All Green
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
The pre-sortie inspection was completed, and all systems were confirmed to be in good working order.
Believe in Him, Please
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Meiya admonishes Suzumiya to trust Takeru, who volunteered to act as a decoy.
Unable To Continue the Battle
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
Their wingman is too slow to react to a Destroyer Class's charge. It takes fatal damage to its engine and can no longer continue the fight.
Full Reversal!
episode 21:"The Light of Hope"
The Valkyries, who had finished clearing the BETA that had not been lured away by Takeru, head for the opening towards the Heavy Laser Class that Takeru created.