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A Great Responsibility
episode 24:"The World Moves On"
Lt. Hayase feels again the weight of having succeeded to the captaincy from Captain Isumi…
For the Original Hive Attack
episode 24:"The World Moves On"
Perfect success in the Target 20 attack. That is the prerequisite to achieve the primary objective, the original hive attack.
The Cause of the Susano-O's Crash
episode 24:"The World Moves On"
The crash of the 00 unit, i.e., Sumika, was the cause of the shutdown of the Susano-O. The cause of Sumika's functional arrest was an abnormal deterioration of the ODL
Too Much For Me
episode 23:"Inheritance"
Yuuko said it was thoughtfulness on the part of the Imperial Army, but if Yuuko didn't reveal who Michiru was, it would've been impossible. Yuuko took a big risk for her.
Situation Deteriorating
episode 23:"Inheritance"
Lt. Suzumiya reports the battle situation. A brigade-sized BETA swarm has appeared on the southern shore of Mano Bay, and a corps-sized BETA swarm has appeared in the vicinity of the Susano-O, blocking A-01.
I’ll Leave You Alone
episode 23:"Inheritance"
This secret line will switch to communication with the Kunisaki at Michiru's order. Yuuko and Haruka leave the room so that they can say goodbye.
I’m Ready
episode 23:"Inheritance"
There is something I must do as the commander of the A-01 Unit, which is in charge of special missions.
Know What You Mean
episode 23:"Inheritance"
Yuuko and Admiral Ozawa, who had guessed the intention of Captain Isumi's words, "Whatever it Takes", decide to agree to her plan.
Critical Damage
episode 23:"Inheritance"
Its head was bitten off, its legs were severed, and any chance of survival was being stripped away.
What You Feel Now
episode 23:"Inheritance"
Michiru's true feelings are joy that her sister was saved, and that she regrets that she will never see her parents, sisters, and loved ones again. These feelings are stronger than those towards her subordinates and friends...
Autopilot Mode
episode 23:"Inheritance"
Lt. Kashiwagi switched to Captain Isumi's Shiranui and set her own damaged TSF to autopilot.
Your Sister is Fine
episode 23:"Inheritance"
There is another piece of good news. Second Lieutenant Isumi Akira of the 133rd Regiment of the Imperial Army has returned alive. No injuries. One less thing to worry about...