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Why It Was Noticed
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
The only possible reasons why the Susano-O would be a target are that it’s a flying object, its computer is the most powerful in the combat zone, and its main engine is slightly unusual.
Echo Fleet, All Guns Fire at Once!
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
Just like the 2nd Division of the United Fleet did, Echo Fleet launches an all-out attack to support the landing force.
What Happens After Bombardment
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
After destroying the Destroyer Class group and waiting for the heavy metal clouds to appear, B Flight will attack the main enemy, while C Flight turns and supports B Flight.
Diversion Succeeded
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
Whiskey's main forces establish battle lines in Old Sawane and Old Takase. Echo lures the BETA north after securing Old Kitamatsugasaki.
All You Can Do Is Wait and See
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
The vanguard of the BETA unit will still be 4km away in 10 minutes, but it's still worrying that they can't move until then.
Carve A Path
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
The Valkyries tear through the swarms of BETA. They open the path for their allies behind them.
Vibration and Sound Sensors Detecting Signals
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
Vibration and sound sensors on the F-15s of the Sauber team detect over 40,000 incoming BETA. They decide to retreat to link up with the units behind them and engage the enemy.
The Success or Failure of the Operation
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
The success of the operation depends on how many Laser Class the bombardment can take out in the four minutes before they arrive.
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
A swarm of BETAs breaks through the wall and attacks. Suddenly surrounded, the Orbital Divers disappear in the blink of an eye.
Hive Assault Status
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
Three battalions from Whiskey Unit also enter the Hive through a different gate than the Orbital Divers.
Level 12, N19, Hall
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
The Sauber, Ghost, and Razor units of the Orbital Divers head for the main shaft, the center of the hive.
The Success or Failure of the Operation
episode 20:"Operation 21st"
The success of the operation depends on how many Laser Class the bombardment can take out in the four minutes before they arrive.